1967 Cadillac EldoradoGERALD´S CADILLACS - NEWS

Painting the interior of the new garage and moving in.

During the last 8 days I spent about 100 hours painting the interior of my new garage. I used my vacation to do so...
It was a lot of work to make it look like it does now.
My wife helped me masking everything for spray painting and my friend Richard helped me making the markings for the painted stripes.
Everything else I did on my own.

I needed 150 kg of white paint, 10 kg of red paint and 7 kg of grey paint and about 350 meters of masking tape.

It came out very nice and I finally could move the first cars into the new garage. Some minor things will still have to be done on the interior and I can also start decorating it now.

I hope to be able to also paint the exterior of the garage soon, before the long winter starts.
The pictures of the paint process and the finished interior can be found here.

This is how it looked like with everything masked off.
The (almost) final result - the first cars just moved in :-)

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Made by Gerald Loidl