1967 Cadillac EldoradoGERALD´S CADILLACS - NEWS

Cadillac BIG Meet 2010

Despite the bad weather the Cadillac BIG Meet 2010 was a great event. We took part with our 1967 DeVille this year as the theme was “The Cadillac Convertibles“. You can find a huge image gallery on the Cadillac BIG Meet website with hundred of pictures. Check it out!
I´m already looking forward to the Cadillac BIG Meet 2011 on August 29th 2011.

the first cars are gathering before the start of the Cruising tour

During the Cruising tour

a special area of the show field was reserved for convertibles only

the 67 at the show field...

A report from the local newspaper “Rundschau“ - click for larger view

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Made by Gerald Loidl