15/Jul/07 /23:38
Today it was time to repair the power window on the passenger side. My buddy Gerald and I found out that the window regulator was dead. So we had to disassemble the whole door to get the motor out. It came out pretty easily. Then we had to drill out some rivets and replace the motor with a new one. Putting everything back together took some time as it was not very easy to reassemble everything again. Eventually we made it after a lot of sweating and cursing. Now the window works perfectly again.
After we finished working it was time to go cruising. We met Richard and Alex with their cars and Gerald did some professional filming for our next video. It was a picture perfect sunset and we got some great shots.

15/Jul/07 /10:13
Tonight 3 friends and I had a nice cruising night in Gmunden as it was a really warm and perfect night. It also was the first cruise for my 1981 Eldorado which was finally finished and now is fully drive-able. In the afternoon I replaced one of the brake hoses which caused the brakes to be stuck. The other cars in the cruise night were Alex with his 63 Buick Riviera, Richard with his 65 Impala and Gerald with his 67 Cadillac.