Car Shows

Another victory at the Cadillac BIG Meet

My car won first place at the Cadillac BIG Meet - Europe's largest Cadillac Meeting - in the 1980s class.
It was a great show - you can see hundreds of pictures at the meeting´s Website.

the car at the show

after the award ceremony

with the first price award

receiving the trophy from Georg Pfeiffer

Cadillac BIG Meet - 1st place!

This years Cadillac BIG Meet was the best show I ever attended. 120 Cadillacs from all ages made it to Kremsmünster. This is the biggest Cadillac meeting in Europe and its getting better every year. This year they had an Eldorado Special Show with over 30 Eldorados ranging from 1954 to 2002. Among them were 3 56 Eldorado Biarritz, a 57 Eldorado Brougham, 2 58 Sevilles, 3 59 Eldos, a perfect 67 and 68, a 63 and 64 and many many more.
There were great people and the mood was perfect. I also had to do an interview with TV and radio!
The icing on the cake was that my Eldorado won 1st place in the 80s and younger category! Im really proud about this. For me this is the most valuable price I ever won!
You can see hundreds of pictures from the show on the website of the Cadillac BIG Meet!
You should not miss next years edition - its the best Cadillac show in Europe!

during a TV interview with "TS1"

on display at the Cadillac BIG Meet

with the first place trophy of the 80s and younger category

Preparations for the Cadillac BIG Meet

I´m in Gmunden once again and I´m preparing my car for the big show this weekend.
In a cleaning break we cruised into the sunset and shot some great new pictures.
You can see them in the gallery!

Mostkost Kustom Meet Video online

I now have the video of the "Mostkost Kustom Meet" (see entry below) online which was shot by the local TV station BTV. It features a couple of cars and an interview with me.

Mostkost Kustom Meet

Today we visited a small local meeting near Gmunden in Atzbach. 30 Cars showed up and it was a nice evening. I was even interviewed for a local TV-station which did a report about the event.

during the interview

a nice 56 Eldorado Rat Rod

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